Saturday, 29 September 2007
Friday, 28 September 2007
Bring on a week of relaxation!

Of course the last you heard from me was the Thursday evening before we left on the Saturday about lunch time. The journey is about three and a half hours none stop, but with a toilet training 2 year old, a kitten, and MIL in tow, understandably, we weren't quite sure how long this particular journey would take. Now, as it turned out, it was like something from a comedy show. I mean, I can laugh about it now, but at the time I was very close to exiting the car and hitch hiking home by myself!
Not even a half hour North on the A68 and I was feeling decidedly travel sick because I was sitting in the back of the car with Ali. Drifting in and out of nauseous dosing, I was startled awake by D having to apply the brakes as some loony decided to turn right at last minute, and we very nearly went into the back of the car in front. Well negotiated by D, as I didn't fancy any accidents at this time! Of course the sudden stop had unsettled Dhu who proceeded to 'miaow miaow miaow' for about another half hour into the journey. I should probably mention we were only at the England/Scotland border at this point, so not far at all really, and at this point you also start to lose radio signal, for all stations. So, crackling radio, noisy kitten, now awake 2 year old singing any line from any song she can remember, sun streaming in on me through the window, stomach definitely unhappy, and MIL commentating the journey. Mmmhmm, not good is an understatement.
We managed to get a little further before Ali began her string of requests to use a 'toilet', and managed to find an appropriate place to allow her to, er, well, go. Plan was to stop at the tescos prior to the Forth Bridge, however, as you well know by now, my life does not often go to plan currently. Have a guess?? Correct, bloody roadworks! Not just any roadworks, a completely new road leading up to the Forth Bridge, and over an hours delay! So not only did this mean we could not access tescos for a toilet stop and lunch break, but we were bumper to bumper for over an hour in the stifling heat, and Ali was repeatedly asking for the loo. After several attempts to use the potty in the car, hoping that no police would pass by in the opposite direction, and the MIL laughing hysterically as Ali cottoned on that this was an ideal way to get out of her car seat; I settled the situation with a nappy and the promise of sweets at the first opportunity. So with my head virtually hanging out of the window because I was so nauseated and boiling to death, I probably inhaled more toxic fumes than when there was no smoking ban in place.
The following days I can depict into various battles with Ali, smiley happy visits to 'in law' relatives, and keeping my mouth shut despite my views on some of the things said and done by the MIL. Details would only bore you and I am sure you all experience similar problems anyhow.
Return journey home yesterday. This began with a more relaxed perspective from myself, because, of course, I knew we were heading home! I was teary to see how upset the MIL was, but we started on our way after a last call to relatives we had missed earlier in the week. The escapades began again when Ali decided she needed the toilet while we were on the motorway and were unable to stop - so seemingly was she. So following a 'palaver' to clean and line the seat adequately for the rest of the journey we continued on our way. Now we had been warned earlier by my Dad that there had been an accident on the A68, however we took our chances hoping it would be cleared by the time we reached this stretch of road. No such luck, as per usual. Still lucky if you consider it was not us in the accident, thoughts went out to those involved. Multiple stops to allow Ali to use the potty ensued, with no urine to be seen, and we were home slightly late for the new estate agent appointment. Poor guy was sat in his car hoping he wouldn't be late for his doctors appointment.
So, so, so. Today has been my organisational day to ensure I have plenty of relaxation days to follow. Shopping, washing, unpacking, phone calls, paper pushing, bill paying etc etc. I have even squeezed in a 1 mile swim because I was in shock when I stepped onto the scales earlier (must be all the comfort eating while away to console myself!) While tackling the aisles at tescos, nursing a throbbing head, I have to say I was comforted to see a woman who looked like she hated food shopping 100x more than I did, as she abandoned her trolley abruptly in the centre of each aisle and roughly through in various products with a distinct scowl on her face. Nice steak meal for tea, and I have tried many remedies to terminate the headache - only one left now. We all know what that is ladies!?!! Wonder if D will be up for the task?
Thursday, 20 September 2007

Have already made plans to go out tomorrow night for drinks, with the girlie's. Will have to sneak in quietly as MIL still here. Mental note: this is not the time to be drinking so much I will throw up on return! Taking MIL home on Saturday, staying until Wednesday, and then home for some peace and quiet; and of course plenty of nod nod wink wink! How people can be celibate is beyond me.
The thought of one and a half weeks of nothing planned is just perfect bliss to me right now! I can eat, drink and be merry! Spend some time with D and Ali. Watch all my favourite shows. Hire movies. Go for walks without already being exhausted. Visit places we don't usually have time for. Hoorah! Cant wait!
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
What an unbelievably crap few weeks it has been. Yesterday just about topped every other shitty day combined together in my whole midwifery career so far. If it hadnt been for the fantastic support of my coordinators at the time I would not have got through the day! Obviously I cannot go into detail for confidentiality reasons but it was bad bad bad by anyones standards in the midwifery world. Not bad - death - bad, but about as shitty as you can get before that!
Today was unbelievably busy but not anyway near by comparison to yesterday. The last few weeks though, god, the multi-discplinery team have started avoiding me like the plague because they think I am cursed. If they get called to something going wrong they know before they get there that I will be the assigned midwife, and the first thing they say is something along the lines of 'might of known it would be you'. I am attracting disaster from everywhere possible; a disaster magnet.
Think holidays, holidays holidays holidays! 48 hours to go and counting down!
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Routine evening blab

Me and D are currently having an argument about whether or not to take the new kitten to the MIL's house (well one bed-roomed flat that is smaller than our house!), when we take her home. I bet you have already guessed that I am the one 'suggesting strongly' that we don't take him, given that it is usually enough trying to manage Ali in unfamiliar territory, and he is as fast as lighting so it will be a nightmare trying to keep him indoors. Also the car journey is about three to four hours long - could you imagine the bloody car journey. Stinking of cat shit and miaow miaow miaow miaow miaow, shut up! But I think I am losing this argument as I was the one who convinced him to get the kitten, so have compromised by saying that he has to manage the shit, feeding, maintaining and petting while we are away, solely on his own, as I will not partake in it when there are very willing neighbours here who would love to look after him! Problem solved.
Best friend Ali in France, if you're reading this, I had a photo of us that snowy New Years Eve in Newcastle, in my handbag amongst some of Ali (daughter) which my colleagues wanted to see, and the general consensus was that you looked like Kate Moss! How exciting. So there you go. Kate Moss strutting on the catwalk rather than Kate Moss collapsed on the boardwalk I would imagine! This is so bad, keeping in touch through a blog - a long 'blah' on the phone is definitely called for.
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Sadly I cant find a picture to capture the hilarity, or a green sixties style pattern to help you visualise the sheer cringe-worthiness
I have just pulled off the quickest ever 'tidy' of the house on record, ready for a couple of viewings we have lined up tomorrow; as Ali's bedtime was suddenly upon us and D was busy cutting the grass and tidying the three metre square garden! Small but perfectly formed I hasten to add! No really, D thinks the grass is a jungle when I think actually it is starting to look green as opposed to yellow for a change. I have to say, a large proportion of 'stuff' ended up in the wardrobes and cupboards on this occasion due to lack of time. Who am I kidding, that always happens. Of course there is now a mound of belongings precariously piled up on what used to be our bed, due to the need to vacate the loft, ever so gorgeously draped by a sixties style print throw, which probably did originate in the sixties, to try and mask all the rubbish we hoard as a family. Half way through 'My bonnie lies over the ocean' while putting Ali to bed tonight (it takes both of us now to actually get her into bed), trying to maintain something resembling 'in tune' between us, it strikes me again how crazy this whole set up is. The MIL arrives Friday and not only do we not have anything other than the sofa to offer her to sleep on while she comes to take care of her grand-daughter for us, but I have now used her bed covers (the sixties print throw) to camouflage our crap! Give me strength.
Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Monday, 10 September 2007
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Hectic week!

Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Still Alive!
Having successfully endured the day from hell (or heaven if you consider that I am still intact) I am about to fall onto the mattress on the floor we call a bed, and drift away into peaceful slumber, dreaming of my perfect wedding, perfect house, and a well behaved daughter!
I eventually got to work this morning having been run off the road by a guy who did not look properly before he pulled out from a junction, causing my heart to stop as I swerved to miss him and a man on a bicycle on the other side of the road. In a bit of a state I managed to pull myself together without trying to find a stiff drink to numb the shock, only to begin a day of rubbish cases, one in particular which was very difficult; and my day was completed by an extremely quick delivery which had my heart racing again.
So, leaving work half an hour late ringing my childminder as I half power-walked, half stumbled out of the hospital, I arrive at my car only to find I have left the lights on and my battery is dead. No shit, I should have guessed. I'm told the AA will be 50minutes so arrange for D to pick up Ali instead, but they were very good and I was rescued pretty quickly I have to say.
Driving home like an OAP I'm thinking nothing else could possibly go wrong - how unbelievably wrong could I be. First of all the car in front of me hit a pheasant which almost flew into my window; then I realise I am extremely low on petrol, red light tempted to flash at me kind of low, but I cant stop at the very close petrol station because the AA man instructed me to drive for 30minutes first to ensure the battery was re-charged adequately. So, already driving like an OAP, I am now crawling like a snail to the next garage 30minutes away to ensure I don't need to call the AA again, because that would be wholly embarrassing!
Home, I think I'm safe. Noooooooo. My gorgeous daughter is acting like the child of Satan again, is incredibly over tired, needs bathing and putting to bed quickly; my computer wont work because we changed our phone company and the previous company had cut off our broadband, and the new company had left a message saying contact the old company to get a 'migration' code and then contact the new company again to tell them the migration code so they can restart it! Yeah exactly - what!? Like my brain can process that kind of information after this kind of a day.
Finally back on I throw myself straight into wedding research again! Relax, relax, relax and enjoy!
Sunday, 2 September 2007
Cullercoats Bay

Saturday, 1 September 2007
'Eurovision Dance Contest'

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