While learning to live with the fact that there is no way I will get anywhere near 'First chance' 'Home and Away' this evening given the fact that Scotland happen to be competing in some kind of football event on TV at this moment in time; I am revelling in the fact that for once my day has been kind of good. Today I had the fabulous news I had been waiting for - my contract has been made permanent, so finally some job security! Of course today has also been the first day I have felt even remotely normal since last Thursday when I first developed 'the bug', so although exhausted I haven't felt so ridiculously crap. But the absolute icing on the cake is that tomorrow me and D celebrate four 'glorious' (puke - not quite) years together since we met and we are staying overnight in a hotel. Evening meal, champagne and chocs, presents, spa, alone time......need I say more. And of course we get to 'SLEEP IN' - oh my god the joys - I don't even know what that means anymore. A 'sleep in' used to be until lunch time for me, now it's like 8-9am. However, the infinitely, unbelievably, fantastically, wonderfully, brilliant, 'cherry on the top' news, is that, duh duh duh - I am going to the Bruce Springsteen concert in December in London!!!!!!!! So decision was to pay way, way, way over the odds (with a little help from my Dad) for a ticket to see Brucey as this was really the only option. Who was I trying to kid, trying to convince myself that it wouldn't be worth it! Jealous aren't ya!? Bring on that champers!
1 comment:
wat kind of nose these guys have, it seem to be horrible.According to my view beauty of face can be judges through nose, i suggest to take better Rhinoplasty treatment to make there face beauty
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