Enjoying my holidays muchous muchous! (Is that even a language?) Doing not much at all is just fabulous. Spoke to my friend in France this evening which was just great because we haven't caught up in - well - too long. After much talk of a friend whom she is starting to become attracted to and how his grandfather is rich so consequently he is quite rich too, she tells me she has to go because its 2230 and she has to go out to get a mirror?????? Apparently someone nearby had put out a mirror as if they were going to get rid of it, so she was going to get it, but now at 2230pm just in case she was wrong about the 'getting rid' part! Not only this but she was in her pyjamas! Mental images of my friend creeping about in her pyjamas in the black dark, trying to discreetly move this mirror from someones back yard to her flat had me in hysterics! Shortly after this I have an instant message from her saying 'god its absolutely huge!'. My reply - 'what, the grandad or the mirror!' (well I thought it was funny) - No seriously, the next thing I know she has the web cam on trying to show me this mirror - which as it happens is massive when I decipher it among the furniture and reflection - and she proceeds to tell me she flirted with some guy on the street to get him to help her carry it up to her fifth floor flat. Now Ali has always been the care free one while I was the sensible one, but I had to say that she was really asking for it inviting some random stranger to her flat in her pyjamas, with a huge mirror! (kinky!) Poor guy probably thought his luck was in! Apparently she put some jeans on - so slightly better. Believe me I could start a whole new blog entitled 'the antics of Ali in France'.
Note: Apologies for any spelling mistakes. (Wine)
Note 2: Watched both 'Memoirs of Geisha' and 'The Constant Gardener' recently. Both very good films indeed - recommend them.
Note 3: Received photo of mirror from Ali so have included it!
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