Salsa was excellent. Although we didn't learn much more than we had during the previous classes we had been to, the teacher was just hilarious in a 'I don't care if I make a fool of myself' kind of way. Mostly women attended so there was plenty of drink, innuendo and laughter. Would definitely go again!
The night away in a hotel for our anniversary of when we met was just perfectly timed - a revelation for our relationship. Champagne and wine meant we could talk properly and freely for the first time in ages, and this was of course a chance to 're-awaken' the sexual side of things! We had definitely been in need of some time to concentrate fully on each other without distractions. I didn't even worry too much about Ali we were having such great fun. And a proper bed! Not just a mattress on the floor! Two double beds actually! So a choice - not that either were used much!
Then of course a run of three night shifts, just to dampen the mood. The first two proved deadly dull, being mainly breastfeeding support and feeding/winding babies all night. But last night -bloody hell, talk about busy. Not one midwife got a drink, any food, any kind of a break last night, and most of us were there until late this am trying to complete notes we had been unable to maintain to ensure the women had basic care. I mean I am talking some midwives having up to 3 women in labour, several trips to theatre and pulling two midwives from another ward to try and handle the workload. I was pooped by the time I got home - I couldn't even stay awake while having breakfast with D and Ali. And I think I have injured my leg because it feels like I have pulled a muscle, but when I was trying to sleep today I had unbelievably painful cramp. It was like a battle to decide whether I should get up and walk around or if I even could move at all I was so tired. Stupid, unfit body.
So two days off now. Rest, recuperate and recharge the batteries for the next batch of shifts. Also to try and spend some quality time with Ali and D, without being snappy and course! 

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