We are having a rollercoaster of a week this week with regards to Ali. Other than the 5 spots that she had a few days ago you would never know to look at her that she had had chicken pox, but her behaviour - well 'trying' is a bit of an understatement. Of course I cant be sure that it is because she has been ill, it could just be her age, be we have fought and fought all week, and she has been like Jeckel + Hyde! She wont let D do anything for her or with her and has been quite clingy with me. We have had a lot of undecisiveness and tantrums when she doesnt get her own way, and of course screaming and crying excessively when she is upset, over stupid things. When she throws a wobbler it can be very distressing to watch actually, she just goes mental, and winds herself up until she cant breath properly, like she is so full of hate for everything and everyone. But then occassionally there have been really lovely 'bonding' moments, and you wouldnt know she was the same person. Like this morning we both had a shower and having just had a massive tantrum because I had pulled the cord to make the water hot, she quietened down and just cuddled into me the whole time we were in the shower, nearly falling asleep on my shoulder at one point. It is so strange how she can go from one extreme to the other so quickly, its like her emotions are on edge the whole time. I can only attribute the extreme behaviour to her being ill as she is sleeping through at night therefore being so tired can only be due to her physically trying to fight off the chicken pox. Parenting is becoming harder all the time!
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