This photo appitimises why this website is so fabulous! I just love this photo. It happens to be one of my school mates who I have not seen in what seems like 'donkeys years' (do donkeys get really old?, where the hell does this saying come from?) and we just hooked up again through this site. Its like a more popular version of 'friends reunited' - same basic idea. I even managed to get in contact with the son of someone who used to childmind me and my brother. It just feels so amazing because your brain kinda erases these people from your memory temporarily because you dont see them on a daily basis, then you are like - Oh my god, its her, or its him, I had totally forgotten about them - then you can get in touch. K hun, I dont know how you managed to capture this photo but in my opinion it is art in its best form! Capturing exactly how I feel at the end of a 13 hour shift full of complicated cases, with no break and phyhsically exhausted, but just wanting to let go and dance like no one is watching! Even though every muscle in the body positively aches in protest, how exhilerating it would be to just push it to the max. (Now I sound like a Pepsi advert!) Music and dance were the career I should have taken. No the dream career that you never persue but always wish you had. No the career you would have loved to have persued and would have been good but not brilliant at!
Hi the blog looks great , really vibrant and full of promise of things to come . Can't wait for the next post . You'll soon be addicted ....Shelagh
Hi Jen... you're right about the photo - it IS brilliant. Really pleased you got your blog 'up and running'... there'll be no stopping you now! Dad x
Hey Jennie,
Great job on your blog, although I would expect no less from you! Your writing style is flowing and fresh......and once I translate it into Canadian, its better yet! Congratulations on the engagement,,,I didnt know about that one! LOL Keep up the great work, and I look forward to plenty more. Hugs from Canada,
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