Before deciding to create a blog I had made an attempt at writing a book, however I found that I was collecting small excerpts which did not seem to be coming together, which is why something like a blog seemed more appropriate. Also I had started the whole thing backwards as I came up with a blurb before I did the rest of the book. This is blurb. Just wondered what people thought and whether they would be tempted to read it based on this summary. Incidently I have given my blog the same title as the book would have had!
Mother, Wife, Midwife.
What do you do when your whole life is upside-down, nothing is turning out the way you planned or expected, and you feel so claustrophobic that you want to stand in the middle of a open plain and scream and scream and scream, just to release the pent up pressure and tension? Write a book about it! Well that was my conclusion anyhow.
Realistically I cannot compare my life to the true disasters that devastate the world and its inhabitants on a regular basis, and I would like to briefly mention that I know how very lucky I am when considering the bigger picture; however this book is about the challenges I have experienced and things I have learned during my life so far, a life which at present can only be summed up as chaos!
So, if you feel like a giggle at how I managed to get my life in totally the wrong order (for those of you who are a bit like me and sometimes not quite on the ball – the title!) and the string of situations that developed into the bedlam that now ensues, then this book is for you. Of course I must mention a few details to entice you, as this is normal practice when writing a book. Therefore please simply enjoy how I somehow managed to get through my adolescence as part of a fairly strict but ‘mad-house’ of a single parent family home, only to begin a hugely challenging career as a midwife. To then interrupt this training with a relationship that has a 25 year age gap and an unplanned childbearing experience of my own; and on finally completing my training being unable to find employment and going crazy as a full time mum in a house we have totally out-grown. Yes you could easily mistake my life for a soap opera, except there’s no dodgy music as a prelude or famous names being overpaid for bad acting (unless of course anyone wants to turn my book into a on-screen adaptation in which case this can be negotiated), but there is plenty of drama, relationship blooming/frustration/disintegration, and family crisis, which I know you all secretly love even if you don’t admit it. And for those of you experiencing the childbearing process yourselves there are comedy moments I know you will relate to.
What’s left to mention, well, I suggest you find a moment, take a break, and spend some time getting lost in someone else’s disorder for a change!
For my mum and all other super-women, especially those who are juggling motherhood, relationships and careers (most women then!) And for my daughter who has all this to come!………….Mother, Wife, Midwife.