Today Ali found a potato shaped like Sid the Sloth's head from 'Ice Age'! It was hilarious. We were laughing about it so much in the vegetable shop that the owner actually gave it to Ali to take home! How nice! I have no idea how we are going to bring ourselves to eat it though!
We have also been to see Walking with Dinosaurs at the Metro Arena. We really enjoyed it. My mum won some tickets so we took Ali and another couple of family members. Ali was a little scared to begin with but when we pointed out the people and machinery working the models she relaxed. The popcorn also worked as a calming distraction! (All £3 worth). So we got to see the show for free which was great and probably would have been worth paying for - but the merchandise, whoo, extortionate! The cheapest item of memorabilia was a small helium balloon shaped like T-Rex which cost £5. I mean £5!!! Ridiculous. But of course they are very clever. Staff hovered in the doorway as we left the building - so you cannot possibly leave without seeing the balloons, then of course comes, 'Oh look mummy a dinosaur balloon, can I have a dinosaur balloon, please mummy please'. 'No darling, they are very expensive'. 'Oh please mummy please'. (Getting increasingly high pitched and whiny). 'Darling they cost too much money.' 'Ohhhhh pllllleeeeeeaaaasssssseeeee, please mummy please, look they are nearly all gone, please mummy.' And then that is it - the clincher! In about 30seconds they will all be gone because too few are being bought so quickly; so suddenly despite my previous arguments my daughter simply must have a dinosaur balloon and several of us are diving into the crowd, money extended out at arms length in exchange for a balloon. No, they are not stupid, they know how to make money! £12 for a programme - jees - we could have become bloody bankrupt and we didn't even pay for the tickets. Brilliant show though. Unbelievably intelligent, clever clever production. Well worth a visit.
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