I can walk - hoorah! But true to form I am also snowed in so I still cannot get out of this house! Did I break a mirror or something? I just have this gut feeling that 2009 is not going to be the greatest of years. It has certainly not been the best start.
In a few days I will be a quarter of a century - how the hell did I get that old? My family have been asking me what I would like for my birthday, but why can't I think of anything. Every other time of the year I could name at least ten things that I would like, but now, no. My dad asked me if their were any Cd's or DVDs that I fancied, so I have been doing a quick search through 'Amazon' - during which I was also watching 'Loose Women'. The girls were discussing self help books and I remembered something my mother had said to me recently. She suggested, possibly in jest, that I try a positive thinking CD. So....there must be quite a few of us considering this prospect because all the positive thinking Cd's are 'currently out of stock'. Are we all really that depressed? Am I really that depressed?
In a similar vein I have made an appointment with a hypnotherapist to try and tackle my weight problem. In general I do not believe in complimentary therapies, but given that the medical profession have decided to ignore my cry for help because I am not yet 30 stone and bed bound, I believe I have to give this a chance. The therapist I will be visiting has been recommended to me by a colleague who's daughter had used hypnotherapy to lose weight and is doing very well. It is not cheap and may not work at all, but if there is a chance I have to take it. Positive thinking - without the self help tape! Although I am wondering if I should take a friend along with me given that hypnotherapist ends with 'rapist'.....perhaps that is not depression or negative thinking, but - WARPED! What will he find when he searches deeper within me?
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