So happy new year to all! Not off to a good start thus far. In my classic, tragic and stupid manner I have managed to twist my ankle. I can hardly walk and it's bloody painful. I just don't have a good track record with New Year. I should just stay indoors and do nothing.
To begin with Ali and D were up in Scotland taking the mother in law home, and because I didn't want to sit and mope about by myself all evening, I went to stay with my dad for the night. It didn't start off well as I tumbled down the frozen steps on the way out of my house, and splatted on my hands and knees. Although bruised I picked myself up and carried on - via my mother's to apply ice compresses. (We still don't have a new freezer).
An Indian takeaway, a 'Mamma Mia' DVD and a Jools Holland hootenanny later I managed to get approximately 4 hours sleep before having to make my way to work New Years day. If only it was that simple. As I was leaving I missed that last step of their stairs and twisted my ankle. It seemed fine and I drove to work as normal but as I tried to walk on it when I arrived at work the pain was immense. Consequently I hobbled into A & E, was bandaged up and sent home.
A whole day later and I still cannot walk properly. It is becoming very annoying, and increasingly painful. I believe I am a very bad patient. I hate being an invalid and it is making me mad because I cannot get on and do the many things that need doing! I'm too busy to be sick!! But I'm not even sick - just more stationary.
A friend told me this place I have been looking for, I come, it turned out, I have not disappointed, good Blog
Good Blog, I think I want to find me, I will tell my other friends, on all
fishing net factory
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