In a desperate attempt to catch up with my beloved 'Strictly Come Dancing' this week, having missed round 8 completely while attending a family gathering; I am feeling drained and wholly exhausted. Following an intense battle with BBC iplayer during which I was watching the performances a couple of seconds at a time because the episode would not download, I finally gave up and headed for 'you tube', where at least I could see the couples routines, if not the whole show. My frustration is just growing as the previous week I had only managed to catch glimpses of the show while at work in between caring for labourers on the delivery suite. I did think we were heading for disciplinary action as we all became riled up and excitable in the staff room watching Austin and Tom with our cups of tea. So if the trust receives a complaint about the 'rowdy' midwives during their labour experience one Saturday evening I will have to forward it to Claudia, Tess and Bruce! In fact I think the professional dancers should come and visit their midwifery fans at the hospital and we could distract and entertain the labourers as they try to teach the staff to foxtrot with the forceps, cha cha into a c-section and Viennese waltz with the ventouse. First dibs on Anton! In fact dancing could be the new form of induction into labour! Forget curry, pineapple and raspberry leaf tea, a brisk tango would surely do the trick!
The family weekend was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. We abandoned the fireworks as we became rained off and soggy fireworks didn't seem entirely safe. It was so good to see my best friend again who was over visiting from Paris and became an honorary family member for the weekend. Putting the world to rights in two days came oh so naturally as always, both of us envying what the other has as opposed to appreciating where each of us are right now in our lives. There was no bad behaviour though so a night out may be called for next time. She will be returning today. I hope to see her again at Christmas, which is not too far away.
Next decision is whether to take Ali to a panto this Xmas? Not sure whats on, but I do know the cbeebies characters are coming to the metro arena mid December. Question is, can I possibly sit through several hours of such entertainment without feeling the need to commit suicide. Not sure yet. Possibly if there was a group of us. Input from fellow mammy friends required on this one I think.
I am also staying positive as this weekend coming my flatmates from uni are visiting and staying over - so excited in anticipation of an opportunity to go wild and misbehave! Here come the girls alright!
Very rich and interesting articles, good BLOG!
Although from different places, but this perception is consistent, which is relatively rare point!
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