Gutted - the house that I hoped to place an offer on when ours sold is no longer on the market. They have not sold it but have decided not to continue to attempt to sell. I had fallen in love with it. I could see us all in it. Ali in the garden with a trampoline at the bottom, playing around without me having to worry about her. Having friends around for dinner, sitting together at night watching TV. A sink that Ali can actually reach to wash her hands after going to the toilet! Bloody nightmare. I am so furious with the whole damn situation. Somebody just buy this house so I can get the hell out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the background the TV is showing a programme about staying a virgin until your wedding day! Jesus (yeah it is pretty religious) - in my case I would be waiting to infinity and beyond. Although completely ludicrous, I did get quite emotional. Something they said relating to the relationships these girls have with their dad really broke me. But the word 'warped' came to mind. And these girls are indoctrinated into protecting their virginity from the age of about 6. Six. How can a six year old make any kind of informed decision about her future relationships. Six. They have a ball every year to celebrate it. The world has gone mad. Or America has. Or always has been. (All feelings expressed in this blog are simply my opinion based solely on impression/observation and in no way represent fact or even a particularly researched insight into topics discussed - do not sue me I have no money!)
Generally in a shitty mood tonight. Aside from being gutted and emotional, my throat feels like its on fire (and not in a good way), my wisdom teeth are throbbing (wisdom has nothing to do with it), and my head is pounding and so tight to the frontal area it might explode. So sitting here in front of the computer is not going to help.
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