Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Extract from my book - comments please


On the morning I went into labour with Ali I remember how the cat stayed very close to me. My mind threw back to Lorraine Kelly on morning TV talking about something similar happening to her when she started to contract with one of her children. The cat knew that something was going to happen, and it wasn’t long before I knew too!

Straining my eyes as it became daylight I wandered through to the bathroom, cat very close behind me. I had stomach cramps, like as if I was starting my menstrual cycle but this was nothing new, I had been experiencing these for weeks. At one point I had convinced myself that Ali was going to be 2 weeks early – I was now exactly a week overdue and becoming increasingly fed up.

No sooner had I lowered myself to the toilet, than the entire contents of my digestive tract emptied – stat – into the basin. This continued, for some time. I thought maybe I was ill. A stomach bug or I had eaten something dodgy. But as this thought drifted out of my mind the pain struck hard. Immediately contracting every 3-5minutes, thick and fast, my abdomen tightening with such strength that it made me feel sick, I prayed that I was actually labouring and not being completely pathetic. There was none of the gradual ‘build-up’ from crampy pains to increasingly strong contractions that I had been learning about for near on 3 years; no time to focus and get myself psychologically in the right ‘frame of mind’.

When my gut was empty I ‘hobbled’ back through to the bedroom, clutching my belly, where I proceeded to inform D that I was in labour – or if I wasn’t then my pain threshold was zero and I needed an epidural – now! I have never seen D move so fast. Bouncing out of the bed he quickly phoned work and returned to my side. Worried I wasn’t in labour I rang the hospital for advice. As I was told to take paracetamol and have a warm bath, I bit my tongue, ended the conversation and threw the phone across the room. I knew that advice all to well. I had regurgitated this advice on many occasions.

The perpetrator of the advice was right about one thing. I needed a wash. There was no way that I was going to set foot in a hospital and have the intimate care that was about to occur without having a shower. This was my pet hate. When you are 41 weeks pregnant, there are things that you can’t do – practicality just doesn’t allow. For example, undertaking an aerobics class or sex in the missionary position with someone other than a contortionist. Maintaining hygiene is not one of them. Adamant I would be clean on entering my labour room, I ‘puffed’ my way through the quickest shower ever and pulled on something baggy and black.

Still part of me felt I should be waiting some time before making that all important trip to the hospital, that I was going to be deemed ‘weak’ and ‘not yet in established labour’. D persuaded me otherwise as I struggled into the ‘alpha romeo’ where her forced me to sit on eight layers of towel as a precaution should my waters break. Erm…priorities!

The journey was horrendous. I couldn’t move about or breath properly because my lungs were so cramped. The 25 minute journey seemed like an eternity but then suddenly we were there at the maternity unit. I had done a week as an elective placement in the same maternity unit and knew it was a good hospital, and I knew just the midwife I was going to ask for.

Stopping every so often to breath and moan, as we worked our way through the corridors, I remember everyone staring – I knew they were thinking ‘rather you than me’, and ‘will she get there in time’, but it didn’t affect me for long as the next wave of agony would rupture into full force and I would be clinging onto something as if for dear life.

On the labour ward I was taken to the ‘admission room’ – the room we take people when we don’t believe they are in established labour. I wanted to cry. Surely this much pain had to mean I was in labour or they were going to have to knock me out.

6cm – hoorah – now give me the damn gas and air! I was moved to a labour room where the midwife gave me the entonox, which I virtually snatched from her. Ironically the midwife I had hoped for was not working that day, but I had a lovely midwife, for what I remember of her.

It took a while to get changed into my nightie (why we all feel the need to birth in nightie’s is still beyond me) as I didn’t have much time between contractions. They were getting closer together and certainly increasingly painful. It is so hard to explain the pain. Intense, crippling, extreme, severe, relentless. In my native Geordie language ‘it bloody knacks like nothing I’ve ever felt in my entire life’. In truth I caved and could not cope with it any longer. At 6 cm I could be another 5 hours in labour at least, if I were to progress an average of a cm an hour as the ‘books’ relate. I didn’t think for a second I would last that long.
Just my luck – No diamorphine. I didn’t want the pethidine but I had to have something so I agreed. Big mistake. Big, big mistake.

Communication central

Mother has been on the phone ranting about her stubborn mother, my gran. She is hilariously making a mountain out of a mole hill again - not realising that she is being just as obnoxious, because neither of them are willing to change their plans for each other! So this is what I have to look forward to as I age! At least D will be long gone by then and wont have to endure me through it!

Gran has been on the phone, Ali's great grandmother. We are visiting her tomorrow. She lives in Cumbria about 2 hours from here. Have reassured her we will come as early as possible, but will ring her in the morning as we are leaving (or she will have kittens worrying about us).

Mother in Law has been on the phone. She is moving to a new flat over the next few days with Atholl Davidson - the movers, not her brother - and she is having someone come to measure for carpets. Mmmhmmmm.

Good friend of mine from uni called. Lots to catch up on. Phone battery now dead.

D is watching the football - no conversation from him, therefore its just as well everybody is ringing. I wouldn't dream of even trying to talk to him, it would be like drawing blood from a stone.

My brother has not answered my text or phoned- guessing girlfriend is still there!

Monday, 29 September 2008

Let me.....entertain you!

In a united front to battle this cold and misery (ok, so the latter may be a little dramatic); we decided to go to the circus and have some fun! A totally animal free circus I might add! Ali was very excited, yet she kept forgetting what it was called and repeated 'when we go to the.....', awaiting my entry of circus to complete her enquiries. I have to admit I was also quite excited. I think it was the anticipation of seeing her enjoying our day out. We went with some friends, so there was a little man of her age with us too.

Not quite in the spirit of things I spent the first part of the show trying to work out where the third 'ring' was in 'Uncle Sam's American Three Ring Circus', as under my observation there were only two. However I do need my eyes testing again. My next goal was to position us on our chairs without them tipping forward - which I decided was going to be near impossible. After diverting the children's attention from the expensive strobe light toys to the start of the show, we were entertained by a steady stream of acts; an eclectic mix of slap-stick comedy to poor taste performances bordering very close to inappropriate humour, with a few actual circus tricks in for good measure - so that they could actually call it a circus.

To ensure you do no think me too cynical in this world of children's entertainment, there were some very good heart stopping acts within the show. I was extremely impressed by the roller-skating duo who circled a silver platform about 2 metres in diameter, 'flinging' each other in all sorts of directions. At one point when the male of the partnership attached a strap to his neck and proceeded to attach it to his partners head, I could feel the intensity inside myself. Spinning her round at increasing rate she then began to spin round herself mid air on an axis placed in the centre of the strap. The volume of the audience was enough to demonstrate the success of the trick. No trapeze or tight-rope though, much to my dismay.

Finale time did not fail to deliver as well. Unbelievably three guys on motorbikes entered a metal sphere cage and performed an array of tricks inside with very little space between them! I am convinced that I actually heard two of them clip each other slightly at one point. Fantastic finish. Well, the kids loved most of it and that was the whole point - so successful trip out overall.

On a more adult entertainment level - I have spent a small fortune on a dirty night away for me and D in celebration of our 5 years together. A package entitled 'Moonlight n Vermont' - to include champagne and canapes on arrival, a three course evening meal, the nights stay in the Vermont Hotel (Newcastle Quayside - 4 star), breakfast the next morning - and the best bit - check out time of 7pm! What on earth are we going to do all day.......?

I must end this post. I can no longer fight the tears now welling in my eyes because Nemo's mother has just been killed by the barracuda.

Thursday, 25 September 2008


Gutted - the house that I hoped to place an offer on when ours sold is no longer on the market. They have not sold it but have decided not to continue to attempt to sell. I had fallen in love with it. I could see us all in it. Ali in the garden with a trampoline at the bottom, playing around without me having to worry about her. Having friends around for dinner, sitting together at night watching TV. A sink that Ali can actually reach to wash her hands after going to the toilet! Bloody nightmare. I am so furious with the whole damn situation. Somebody just buy this house so I can get the hell out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the background the TV is showing a programme about staying a virgin until your wedding day! Jesus (yeah it is pretty religious) - in my case I would be waiting to infinity and beyond. Although completely ludicrous, I did get quite emotional. Something they said relating to the relationships these girls have with their dad really broke me. But the word 'warped' came to mind. And these girls are indoctrinated into protecting their virginity from the age of about 6. Six. How can a six year old make any kind of informed decision about her future relationships. Six. They have a ball every year to celebrate it. The world has gone mad. Or America has. Or always has been. (All feelings expressed in this blog are simply my opinion based solely on impression/observation and in no way represent fact or even a particularly researched insight into topics discussed - do not sue me I have no money!)

Generally in a shitty mood tonight. Aside from being gutted and emotional, my throat feels like its on fire (and not in a good way), my wisdom teeth are throbbing (wisdom has nothing to do with it), and my head is pounding and so tight to the frontal area it might explode. So sitting here in front of the computer is not going to help.