A really full on, heavy duty day. Now we are mortgaged up to the eyeballs for the rest of our days, we may be able to move closer to the light (and of course that new house!). And following much negotiation relating to the structural survey comments made on our property, we can now hopefully move forward. Essential that we now do so, as Ali has not been offered a place in the school she is already in!! I mean for gods sake! She is in the nursery but cannot move into reception with her friends, because the school is over subscribed and we are technically 'out of area' until we move. Gutted is an understatement. I want to cry for her, because every second sentence she utters to me following school is about who she played with that day or who she wants to invite home sometime. This may really unsettle her, especially accompanied by moving house. My head is spinning with all the information and worry. The wine came out a while ago. It is nearly all gone, and I am a total lightweight when it comes to wine. So my apologies if I start to mis-type.
Oddly the most frustrating thing today has been my inability to find my suitcase. How in the world does one lose a large suitcase in ones house? I have looked in every plausibly big enough space, all over the house, but no case. Very weird! It may have been abducted by aliens. The lack of suitcase has led to an unorganised pile of clothes residing over one of the sofas waiting to be packed - oh, and I haven't even told you about the extra sofa. Ironically my dad was getting rid of a blue leather sofa and asked me if we wanted it to match the one we already have. Now, I don't know if I have ever mentioned how much I hate the blue leather sofa - but needless to say I was hoping the removal men might just let it drop off the back of their lorry. So now not only do I have one vile blue leather sofa - I have two! No offence dad, I appreciate it and it is proving very useful, but I am definitely going to have to plan there demise ASAP when moved.
More wine, less writing now I'm afraid.
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