With the 50th birthday celebrations now over, and the '50' confetti all hand-collected up (under Ali's instruction), we are now looking forward to our few days away in bonnie Scotland. A welcome break (no not the motorway services) overlooking the gorgeous Loch Lomond. A balcony with magnificent views over the Loch, a spa bath, a babbling brook nearby too, plenty of fresh air and open space - sounds just glorious. D was chuffed with his gift anyway. He was not so pleased with the enormous '50' balloons or '50' decorations plastered all over the lounge on his return home. I told him it could have been worse, I could have attached them to the fence and gate at the front of the house for the whole street to admire!
Recently turning 25 and D now 50 - we find ourselves again trying to 'laugh off' the age difference between us. When the answers to questions raised in general conversation happen to reflect the 70's/80's, and D clearly remembers them, there is a mutual look of 'oh god' between us, like a horrifying realisation of the severity of the 'gap' - or 'gowking great black gorge', as it should probably be referred to. D is feeling really old, although I have not really noticed any change in him over the last 5 years. I think he doesn't feel as physically able - despite me assuring him he most definitely is! No, I didn't mean it like that. Sometimes he is more prone to minor illnesses, and he get easily exhausted, but that's about it. What is a girl supposed to do when she falls in love with a guy 25 years her senior? Do you walk away or do you stick it out? Easier said than done to walk away. I couldn't. Then I certainly couldn't when Ali was on her way. I am hoping that love will be enough, but I'm heart broken we won't be growing old together.
Our offer was accepted on the house we were interested in, so when the contracts are exchanged we have a grand total of 28 days to move - yes 28 days. How in this world are we supposed to organise the move of a whole house in that time? It takes me an entire week to organise a day out somewhere. And the giraffe print wall paper in the lounge, well needless to say, that will have to go, because alone it is horrendous, but coupled with our hideous blue leather sofas it could look like a loopy 'Changing Rooms' designer has had free reign over our sitting room. Somehow I have to find a way to live with the luminous pink, 'Hollywood' downstairs toilet room, and the very bright blue, garish and shiny upstairs bathroom; because we cant afford to redecorate the whole house initially. Unless we win the lottery.....well I can dream!
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