Now back from the 'bonnie banks of Loch Lomond', we have been thrust back into reality once more. With mortgage issues, house problems and financial matters to address in the half hour before 'end of business' Friday - when we returned 'home' - there was no respite and no rest for the wicked. I won't bore you with move details. Needless to say my stress related acne is having a field day, despite the holiday!
Loch Lomond was so gorgeous. I was blown away by how beautiful it was. No wonder they wrote a song about it! I became psychotic with my camera, forcing D to stop the car every few minutes along the banks to take photos. There were some beautiful bays along the East side of the loch. No wonder D wants to move back to Scotland. A rainbow broke to the East of the loch while we had stopped at the end of the road to admire the views. We could see both ends, which I have never seen in my life before. No pots of gold, however, I was compelled to jump out of the car wearing only a tiny cardigan, in the severe driving hail stones, in an attempt to catch it on camera. Not a bad attempt, even if I say so myself. (Bottom of blog page).
Today I had my eyes tested again. A 2 yearly check up, but of course I needed 'new' glasses. New glasses to the effect of £200+! (And they were among the cheapest!) I am being bled dry this month. What with moving fees right left and centre, un-aided by my inability to set foot in the metro centre for an eye test, without leaving with 3 pairs of shoes, two DVDs and a CD. My only defence being that the shoes were only £10 each in the sale - bargain, and I couldn't live without Daniel Craig in my life any longer - so simply had to have the new bond film. No, but seriously, the eye test - when they blow the air into your eye - what is that about?? '3 times in each eye' the operator said. 12-15 times down the line and still trying to get the air into my right eye, I start to think that the lad operating the machine is beginning to despair with me - although he remains very polite. Bloody bodily defences.
The metro centre are renovating the 'yellow' section to incorporate a new cinema, bowling alley and restaurants, as part of a 'family entertainment' area. A super imposed image on the temporary wall shows people walking around in a more modernised area. It occurred to me as I walked past that all the images were of young, sexy looking men and women, so I looked a little closer. No-one was overweight, no-one was over 30, there were no pushchairs or wheel chairs, everyone was wearing 'modern', 'fashionable' clothes - the men smart and the women gorgeous. So evidently they are going to sift through the population and have an admittance/dress code for the shopping centre come re-opening. The media never ceases to amaze me.
Whether I should be admitting to this or not I am not sure, especially as I chuckled along to Radio 1 mocking it just a few weeks ago; but I am watching 'Extreme Fishing' with Robson Green. Something I thought would be really dull, that happened to be on in the background, has me strangely engrossed and tuning in weekly. I mean its no period drama or captivating documentary, but Robson becoming incredibly excited over fish is amusing to say the least, and he is quite quick witted throughout. He even gets naked from time to time, which - yes, even at his age - is worth a look! The locations are often gorgeous or interesting and the methods of fishing border on the hilarious. I mean 'Kite Fishing'???? Yes it does exactly what it says on the tin. I'm officially sad, aren't I??!!!