Dearest readers, who continue to read my rantings no matter how droll.
Well it is now 2008. What the hell happened there then? Where did 2007 go? I would love to write about how I partied so hard into the new year that I cant remember it happening, however that would be a bare faced lie! For the 3rd time towards the end of 2007 I was pretty sick - therefore was very much in my bed trying to sleep, well breath, through a completely snot clogged nose and throat which felt like it had been slit. All well now, and with no intention of moaning about that for any longer, I am eagerly awaiting my birthday on Tuesday. Not that I have anything particularly special planned but I do have a gorgeous dress! Yes I have splashed out on a stupendous evening dress - beautifully bought in the sale saving me £130 - yes I will repeat that - £130!! So I have already been on at D to make sure he is taking me somewhere really posh, like with a pianist in the corner or something, how exciting would that be!
Other reportings to include: The Fabulous, Unbelievably Brilliant, So Sexy Bruce Springsteen in Concert! My god, how good he was cannot even be described. It was genius rip-roaring through a microphone and being blasted into the heavens of the acoustically perfect O2 arena. No fancy lighting, special effects, costumes or stage show - just 'The Boss', commanding his stage very manfully with the ever great E-Street Band totally on form around him! Worth every penny spent. Even thinking of trying to go again!
New Years Resolutions!
1) Obviously will lose 4-5stone! (Of course I would settle for 3)
2) To get back to health/fitness so as not to get fired before even a year into my job
3) To do some charity work and give something back as clearly I'm very lucky
4) To plough on with my book/screenplay - whichever develops first
5) Do not crash car this year!
6) Remember everyone's birthdays and send cards (failed already, sorry Belle it will be late!)
7) Stay in contact with distant friends
8) Plan and save for wedding
9) Stick to resolutions
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