So - yesterday afternoon on collecting my daughter from nursery, among all the 'art work' and letters I was given to take home, there was a list of all the children in her class. One can only assume that this means she is supposed to give out Christmas cards - at 3 and 1/2???? She has received some already, but this year I was considering giving to charity rather than distributing Christmas cards. Never mind, I am sure Ali will love it - choosing them and trying to write her name in them. It's whether I have the patience however, as cards are not my most favourite part of the 'festive season'. But the very cheek of it. Is it now expected of me? If I don't will Ali be thought less of? Will I forever be known as the 'incompetent parent'? The 'politics of parenting', they should teach this in school as part of 'Personal and social education' I think. And I thought that actually physically taking care of children would be the hardest part of parenting.
So lets see...I have a grand total of 7 days to organise these Christmas cards; in amongst working full time; organising this tip that is my home - while D works all hours trying to keep the leisure centre cafe afloat; completing the practical and essay for my 'Facilitating learning in practice' course; and of course organising a talk/presentation about being a midwife to 2 classes of 25+ GCSE students (a favour called in from a colleague of my mothers who once tutored me at no cost). Damn, I really am pushing it this time. Too much in such a short space of time. I have a sneaky feeling I will be one of the people rushing around the metro centre the weekend before Christmas trying to finish of my Xmas shopping - a little last minute.
Last night we bought and dressed our Christmas tree. Another real one because I just love the smell, although this one is not in a pot so may die before we even get to Christmas knowing my track record with plants. I bought a stand for it that will hold water - just have to be on the ball and water it now. My touch of OCD shone through as Ali was putting on the decorations and I was moving them about to ensure they were all spread out enough. And of course certain decorations had to be in certain places. I think I am getting worse each year. Myself and D are like ships that pass in the night again too. He comes in at 7pm and I got out to work at 7.30pm. Maybe this is the secret to maintaining a relationship - never seeing each other! We both have the day off Saturday so we will have to make the most of it.
Although from different places, but this perception is consistent, which is relatively rare point!
Although there are differences in content, but I still want you to establish Links, I do not know how you advice!
Cargo Net
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