Saturday, 1 September 2012
I'm Back!
Sunday, 11 April 2010
How have you all 'bean'?

I am 26 now - another year older. Now pushing 30 I am not as excited about my birthdays anymore, although I do plan to celebrate my 30th in a big way, as I was pregnant when 21! Of course the snow prevented most of the celebrations we planned. It was a Chinese takeaway at home. Bloody snow. Of course the big news, and I suppose my main birthday present, I received two days before my birthday. We are pregnant again! So I am donning maternity bra's and fending off nausea as best I can. Deja vu? It is still quite early, but I cannot stop myself from getting excited. I love Ali to bits, but her arrival was surrounded by trepadation and anxiety, so it is lovely to be able to relax and enjoy everything this time. Although I thought I would be much happier when I got my stomach back - no such luck! I am destined to hate being pregnant - luckily I don't have to do it again! It is a good job too, not even half way and I feel like a beached whale already.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
For some reason I'm not feeling very hungry anymore!?

I have spent the morning trying to establish whether my mother is stranded in Cockermouth as the flood rages, but strangely it has not hit my grandmothers house. A big relief all round as it was hit very badly around the time Carlisle flooded. It seems from the news that the main street took it bad - but luckily, in many ways, my grandmother remains in hospital following her operation, preventing her from panicking about the rising river level. Mother has taken precautions and moved as much as possible upstairs, just in case, as the rain continues - will it ever stop!??
And of course, who knew that Cheryl Cole could actually sing?? Now don't get me wrong, I am a fan of hers, especially as she is from my neck of the woods; but Thursday night singing at the concert for Children in Need she actually took my breath away. She did look nervous, but that song is gorgeous and she sang it so well with Snow Patrol. Will this girl ever stop going up in our estimations? Of course now you have raised the bar Cheryl, you will have to keep it there! We love you though. My favourite as always was Annie Lennox. I am such a fan and she was brilliant as usual. I could here her at the end of the concert singing 'Hey Jude' with Sir Paul, but the cameras would not zoom in on her. Such passion in her voice. Amazing!
I have discovered a Disney site online that allows you to design your own fairy from the Tinkerbell film. We had a bash at it last night and Ali just loves it. Heck, I must confess I have even had a go myself - how sad. I don't suppose the Disney magic ever leaves you when you're female! Every woman dreams of being a princess and being rescued by their handsome prince, never mind the girls. Although I was brought up to question why the female characters weren't stronger, and that it should be a heroine rather than a hero. Consequences of a female lead single parent household I reckon!
D is away for a few days to go to a funeral in Scotland. The house is strange without him. I feel a little lost. I don't like it at all. He hardly says anything when he is here, but at least he is here in body. Very strange. We haven't been apart for long since I was at university in Leeds, which would be April 2005. Four years. Maybe we should be apart more often - it reminds you what you have!
Last night I caught a fraction of the 'I'm a celebrity, get me out of here' programme on TV as I was going to bed. That woman who cleans the houses of disgusting people - Kim, she was eating all the really gross foods during one of the trials. I didn't know whether to laugh or wretch myself. What compelling viewing though. I had to keep watching. From fish eyes to kangaroo anus and testicles, oh my goodness; it sends a shiver down my spine just thinking about it. How do they do it?? I couldn't eat any of it if you paid me. Sunday dinner for us today! Not a testicle in sight! Only chicken.
Thursday, 17 September 2009
New Phase

Now that we are trying again I find myself in a new situation. 'Planning' for a baby. When we found out Ali was on the way we were excited, but it was over-shadowed by worries and anxiety. We didn't live together, I hadn't completed my degree and in the grand scheme of life we had not been together for long. There is something quite spiritual and calming about purposefully trying for a baby. I can feel a nervous excitement bubbling through me, waiting for the moment we have the news so that it can explode out. I can't wait to see D's face when we do the test together this time and it tells us the good news. And I can't wait to spend every night together in bed holding the bump and feeling the kicks instead of being 2hrs away from each other, stealing brief weekends here and there. Ali is constantly asking if the baby is coming yet because we have discussed having a baby with her since making the decision. She made me laugh yesterday because she told me she had sent a wish with a fairy to name the baby the name she had picked out if it's a boy. She won't tell us what it is though! So cute!
We have discovered that mutant spiders live nearby, and now that it's getting colder the blighters are coming indoors! Now there's not a chance that I will ever touch a spider but I am normally able to catch them in a glass and put them back outdoors. These enormous specimens are hideous, they make me shiver and get nervous, and they are so incredibly fast. I think I can hand on heart say I am not going anywhere near them! Unfortunately I have passed on my phobia to Ali. She happened to witness a spider fall onto my shoulder one day and I couldn't contain my reaction, I was hysterical. So now D laughs when we both have a hissy fit every time a spider scuttles about! But these clearly genetically modified beasts are well scary! Arachnophobia at aged 8 kinda scary!
Oh, and how the opposite of jolly are the 'Jolly Phonics'! Ali is beginning to learn how to sound out words at school and recognise letters. Today I attended a workshop for parents on how to support the learning of phonics. Jolly is not the word. Trying to remain positive, we accessed some of the websites suggested by her teacher to play the games that teach the phonics. After about half an hour of s-i-t, s-a-t, i-t, a-n, t-i-p etc etc, I have quite a h-e-a-d-a-c-h-e and had to give up. I sure needed a break before we had to head back out to school for trampolining. I feel like a y-o-y-o.
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Raspberry jam, relatives and our daughter the blether!

Saturday, 22 August 2009
Happy holidays!

Today I attended a gathering arranged for a colleague of mine in celebration of her retirement. Lunch out - it was great. It was really great. To see everyone out of work, laughing and smiling. A totally stress free environment - the opposite of work! And more wine! I think it may be wine weekend. Everyone looked amazing. It's funny because we all wear scrubs for work so no one has any kind of figure, but when midwives 'scrub up' to go out - they don't do it by halves! Make-up, floaty yet fitted clothing and many, many heels. As it should be. We will miss her, I will miss her - she was a great support and became a good friend; and she is not nearly old enough to be retiring!
We are off to visit the MIL on Monday. Ali is very excited about seeing Granny. Scotland for a few days and then Granny will come home with us for a few days. No Sky TV, no computer, likely no phone signal - how on earth will I cope??? I may have to take a reading book, how very... intellectual. I may well just go out and buy Cosmo, just in case!
Of late I find I have come to a decision point in my life. It is now time to decide on whether or not to have another baby. This I think would have been my actual 'brooding' time if our first had been as per my original life plan; but ironically it ties in with Ali being 4, and she is constantly asking for a brother or sister. I had always said I couldn't even think about it until Ali was at school because I knew I would not cope at home with two pre-school age. I do not want to leave a huge gap between my children and I feel as time moves on the less I am likely to want to under-go the trials of childbearing again. (As much as I loved the stretch marks, saggy boobs and sleepless nights!) And I always wanted more than one because I was very close to my brother and cannot imagine having an only child. All in all this is looking more and more like the time to go for it. Or certainly enjoy trying! So, while I am popping diet pills to shed as much weight as possible in weeks, rather than months and years, (because we may go for it sooner rather than later); D is cacking himself about how this will effect our 'financial situation'. Although he has agreed we should think about it again now.
Hand in hand with this decision is the fact I have to put aside my wedding plans once again. Which is a shame, because I have just revisited Matfen Hall during an open evening - and it is more gorgeous than I remember. Interestingly I received a brochure which listed all the venues for civil ceremonies in the county, and there are many venues much cheaper than Matfen Hall - which is a shame, as money may dictate the day in the end. It could be beautiful to have my children with us on our wedding day, so it may be a good decision to have another before we tie the knot. Isn't life hard!? I mean these are massive life changing events I am casually debating here! Massive.
Saturday, 1 August 2009