I have spent the morning trying to establish whether my mother is stranded in Cockermouth as the flood rages, but strangely it has not hit my grandmothers house. A big relief all round as it was hit very badly around the time Carlisle flooded. It seems from the news that the main street took it bad - but luckily, in many ways, my grandmother remains in hospital following her operation, preventing her from panicking about the rising river level. Mother has taken precautions and moved as much as possible upstairs, just in case, as the rain continues - will it ever stop!??
And of course, who knew that Cheryl Cole could actually sing?? Now don't get me wrong, I am a fan of hers, especially as she is from my neck of the woods; but Thursday night singing at the concert for Children in Need she actually took my breath away. She did look nervous, but that song is gorgeous and she sang it so well with Snow Patrol. Will this girl ever stop going up in our estimations? Of course now you have raised the bar Cheryl, you will have to keep it there! We love you though. My favourite as always was Annie Lennox. I am such a fan and she was brilliant as usual. I could here her at the end of the concert singing 'Hey Jude' with Sir Paul, but the cameras would not zoom in on her. Such passion in her voice. Amazing!
I have discovered a Disney site online that allows you to design your own fairy from the Tinkerbell film. We had a bash at it last night and Ali just loves it. Heck, I must confess I have even had a go myself - how sad. I don't suppose the Disney magic ever leaves you when you're female! Every woman dreams of being a princess and being rescued by their handsome prince, never mind the girls. Although I was brought up to question why the female characters weren't stronger, and that it should be a heroine rather than a hero. Consequences of a female lead single parent household I reckon!
D is away for a few days to go to a funeral in Scotland. The house is strange without him. I feel a little lost. I don't like it at all. He hardly says anything when he is here, but at least he is here in body. Very strange. We haven't been apart for long since I was at university in Leeds, which would be April 2005. Four years. Maybe we should be apart more often - it reminds you what you have!
Last night I caught a fraction of the 'I'm a celebrity, get me out of here' programme on TV as I was going to bed. That woman who cleans the houses of disgusting people - Kim, she was eating all the really gross foods during one of the trials. I didn't know whether to laugh or wretch myself. What compelling viewing though. I had to keep watching. From fish eyes to kangaroo anus and testicles, oh my goodness; it sends a shiver down my spine just thinking about it. How do they do it?? I couldn't eat any of it if you paid me. Sunday dinner for us today! Not a testicle in sight! Only chicken.