Merry Christmas to everyone out there! And a happy boxing day! Anyone else feel that although Christmas is great, it seems an awful lot of organisation, hassle and flying around tryng to shop for world and his uncle, for one single day that is over in an instant? Don't get me wrong I love Christmas and we had a good day, but I am so exhausted that my body gave up and I am now suffering from the yearly horror that is 'THE COLD'. Yes, despite plying myself with Vitamin C, echinachea, and evening primrose oil; and consuming mountains of clementines; I am snotting right, left and centre, coughing, spluttering and have severely congested sinuses - not pretty (good job D made Christmas dinner!)
So far we have played 'Elefun'; with the fairy wonderland; with the 'Jungle in my Pocket'; on the 'V-Tech V-Smile'; with the Dora stickers; the craft sets; have watched Tinkerbell and Sleeping Beauty DVD; worn the Cinderella pyjamas and the matching skirt and top from NZ; we have eaten chocolates and turkey in excess, but not together; listened to Ali's kids CD player with sing along microphones - which was interesting - Ali did an encouragable version of 'Henrietta the Dancing Hippopotamus which cracked us all up; we have made things with pipe-cleaners; read Dora books; cuddled soft toys in abundance; listened to Christmas music; spoken to friends and family; and now, with Ali asleep in bed, we are all completely exhausted and have collapsed on the sofa - unmovable.
I simply cant wait to be well again to hit the sales - however inevitably everything descent will be gone again by the time I get anywhere near the shopping centre. Illness, all work and no play is making Jen a very dull girl.........
Some of the content is very worthy of my drawing, I like your information!
If that truely is your drawing - then I hope you do not mind me utilising it! There was no copyright on it, and it demonstrated my point so well! Thanks for reading!
It seems different countries, different cultures, we really can decide things in the same understanding of the difference!
PE Net
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