Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Still Alive!

Having successfully endured the day from hell (or heaven if you consider that I am still intact) I am about to fall onto the mattress on the floor we call a bed, and drift away into peaceful slumber, dreaming of my perfect wedding, perfect house, and a well behaved daughter!

I eventually got to work this morning having been run off the road by a guy who did not look properly before he pulled out from a junction, causing my heart to stop as I swerved to miss him and a man on a bicycle on the other side of the road. In a bit of a state I managed to pull myself together without trying to find a stiff drink to numb the shock, only to begin a day of rubbish cases, one in particular which was very difficult; and my day was completed by an extremely quick delivery which had my heart racing again.

So, leaving work half an hour late ringing my childminder as I half power-walked, half stumbled out of the hospital, I arrive at my car only to find I have left the lights on and my battery is dead. No shit, I should have guessed. I'm told the AA will be 50minutes so arrange for D to pick up Ali instead, but they were very good and I was rescued pretty quickly I have to say.

Driving home like an OAP I'm thinking nothing else could possibly go wrong - how unbelievably wrong could I be. First of all the car in front of me hit a pheasant which almost flew into my window; then I realise I am extremely low on petrol, red light tempted to flash at me kind of low, but I cant stop at the very close petrol station because the AA man instructed me to drive for 30minutes first to ensure the battery was re-charged adequately. So, already driving like an OAP, I am now crawling like a snail to the next garage 30minutes away to ensure I don't need to call the AA again, because that would be wholly embarrassing!

Home, I think I'm safe. Noooooooo. My gorgeous daughter is acting like the child of Satan again, is incredibly over tired, needs bathing and putting to bed quickly; my computer wont work because we changed our phone company and the previous company had cut off our broadband, and the new company had left a message saying contact the old company to get a 'migration' code and then contact the new company again to tell them the migration code so they can restart it! Yeah exactly - what!? Like my brain can process that kind of information after this kind of a day.

Finally back on I throw myself straight into wedding research again! Relax, relax, relax and enjoy!

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